“The First Raven” is a new film by Independent Emerald Raven productions. Due to have it’s premiere cinema release on Saturday 24th August, at the Chauvel Cinema Paddington.
We at KNL were fortunate enough to have caught up with Roxanne Pearson, screenwriter, who amongst other duties, is very much at the heart of the film and without giving away the plot, we were able to get a little inside info.
We began by saying that after watching the trailer the film seemed very inspired by Heath Ledger’s ”A knight’s tale.”
Roxanne: “Very inspired by a knights tale !! Especially since our main guys looks like Heath”
We acknoledged that as well, and Roxanne added “Yes he’s gorgeous like Heath . Heath is actually my favourite actor so I hope people see that too. I was definitely inspired by Heath one of our actors is going for the health ledger scholarship too so fingers crossed she gets it.”
KNL. “What can you tell us about your cast and crew, was there anything in particular that might define your team?”
Roxanne “we are a very diverse and inclusive cast & crew . We have people from various backgrounds….everyone is included, also lots of women working in production roles and most of us from low socioeconomic backgrounds and locations in western Sydney”
We then asked how, being a small indie production company, they went with huge costs involved in making a feature length film, when most major films have production costs into the hundreds of millions and even smaller movies can add up to a what most woud call a fortune. To this Roxanne wouldn’t give away much and replied
“….we have a budget of hopes and dreams & a film held together by tape & scissors! But so much love and passion so we win anyway,
And all of you guys who support and love us”
We at KNL are eager to see the film and we ask that you take a few minutes to check out the trailer in the link below and help us support our homegrown local filmmakers, as we ask for all our local artists and businesses.
Watch the trailer below
To book your tickets: